Complex pectin metabolism by Lactobacillus and Streptococcus suggests an effective control approach for Maillard harmful products in brown fermented milk
Adulteration of endogenous substances as a next challenge in dairy safety: High-throughput analysis of flavours in goat milk based on the molecular mechanism of flavouring components dynamic changes
Novel top-down high-resolution mass spectrometry-based metabolomics and lipidomics reveal molecular change mechanism in A2 milk after CSN2 gene mutation
Novel insight into the transformation of peptides and potential benefits in brown fermented goat milk by mesoporous magnetic dispersive solid phase extraction-based peptidomics
Characterisation of key odorants causing honey aroma in Feng-flavour Baijiu during the 17-year ageing process by multivariate analysis combined with foodomics
Complex pectin metabolism by Lactobacillusand Streptococcussuggests an effective control approach for Maillard harmful products in brown fermented milk
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