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Geographic variation in bone mineral density and prevalent fractures in the Canadian longitudinal study on aging
Hassanabadi, N.Aff1, Aff2
Berger, C.
Papaioannou, A.
Cheung, A. M.
Rahme, E.Aff1, Aff2
Leslie, W. D.
Goltzman, D.Aff1, Aff2
Morin, S. N.Aff1, Aff2, IDs00198023069755_cor8
Pokaż więcej
Osteoporosis International: With other metabolic bone diseases. 35(4):599-611
Czasopismo naukowe
Previous fracture and subsequent fracture risk: a meta-analysis to update FRAX
Kanis, J.A.Aff1, Aff2, IDs0019802306870z_cor1
Johansson, H.Aff1, Aff3
McCloskey, E.V.Aff2, Aff4
Liu, E.
Åkesson, K.E.Aff5, Aff6
Anderson, F.A.
Azagra, R.Aff8, Aff9, Aff10
Bager, C.L.
Beaudart, C.Aff12, Aff13
Bischoff-Ferrari, H.A.Aff14, Aff15
Biver, E.
Bruyère, O.
Cauley, J.A.
Center, J.R.Aff18, Aff19, Aff20
Chapurlat, R.
Christiansen, C.
Cooper, C.Aff22, Aff23, Aff24
Crandall, C.J.
Cummings, S.R.
da Silva, J.A.P.Aff27, Aff28
Dawson-Hughes, B.
Diez-Perez, A.
Dufour, A.B.Aff31, Aff32
Eisman, J.A.Aff18, Aff19, Aff20
Elders, P.J.M.
Ferrari, S.
Fujita, Y.
Fujiwara, S.
Glüer, C.-C.
Goldshtein, I.Aff37, Aff38
Goltzman, D.
Gudnason, V.Aff40, Aff41
Hall, J.
Hans, D.
Hoff, M.Aff44, Aff45
Hollick, R.J.
Huisman, M.Aff47, Aff48
Iki, M.
Ish-Shalom, S.
Jones, G.
Karlsson, M.K.Aff5, Aff6
Khosla, S.
Kiel, D.P.Aff31, Aff32
Koh, W.-P.Aff53, Aff54
Koromani, F.Aff55, Aff56
Kotowicz, M.A.Aff57, Aff58, Aff59
Kröger, H.Aff60, Aff61
Kwok, T.Aff62, Aff63
Lamy, O.Aff64, Aff65
Langhammer, A.
Larijani, B.
Lippuner, K.
Mellström, D.Aff69, Aff70
Merlijn, T.
Nordström, A.Aff72, Aff73, Aff74
Nordström, P.
O’Neill, T.W.Aff76, Aff77
Obermayer-Pietsch, B.Aff78, Aff79
Ohlsson, C.Aff80, Aff81
Orwoll, E.S.
Pasco, J.A.Aff57, Aff58, Aff59, Aff83
Rivadeneira, F.
Schott, A.-M.
Shiroma, E.J.
Siggeirsdottir, K.Aff40, Aff86
Simonsick, E.M.
Sornay-Rendu, E.
Sund, R.
Swart, K.M.A.Aff33, Aff89
Szulc, P.
Tamaki, J.
Torgerson, D.J.
van Schoor, N.M.
van Staa, T.P.
Vila, J.
Wareham, N.J.
Wright, N.C.
Yoshimura, N.
Zillikens, M.C.
Zwart, M.Aff10, Aff97, Aff98, Aff99
Vandenput, L.Aff1, Aff80
Harvey, N.C.Aff22, Aff23
Lorentzon, M.Aff1, Aff3
Leslie, W.D.
Pokaż więcej
Osteoporosis International: With other metabolic bone diseases. 34(12):2027-2045
Czasopismo naukowe
Update of the fracture risk prediction tool FRAX: a systematic review of potential cohorts and analysis plan
Vandenput, L.Aff1, Aff2
Johansson, H.Aff1, Aff3
McCloskey, E. V.Aff3, Aff4
Liu, E.
Åkesson, K. E.Aff5, Aff6
Anderson, F. A.
Azagra, R.Aff8, Aff9, Aff10
Bager, C. L.
Beaudart, C.
Bischoff-Ferrari, H. A.Aff13, Aff14
Biver, E.
Bruyère, O.
Cauley, J. A.
Center, J. R.Aff17, Aff18, Aff19
Chapurlat, R.
Christiansen, C.
Cooper, C.Aff21, Aff22, Aff23
Crandall, C. J.
Cummings, S. R.
da Silva, J. A. P.Aff26, Aff27
Dawson-Hughes, B.
Diez-Perez, A.
Dufour, A. B.Aff30, Aff31
Eisman, J. A.Aff18, Aff19, Aff32
Elders, P. J. M.
Ferrari, S.
Fujita, Y.
Fujiwara, S.
Glüer, C.-C.
Goldshtein, I.Aff37, Aff38
Goltzman, D.
Gudnason, V.Aff40, Aff41
Hall, J.
Hans, D.
Hoff, M.Aff44, Aff45
Hollick, R. J.
Huisman, M.Aff47, Aff48
Iki, M.
Ish-Shalom, S.
Jones, G.
Karlsson, M. K.Aff5, Aff51
Khosla, S.
Kiel, D. P.Aff30, Aff31
Koh, W.-P.Aff53, Aff54
Koromani, F.Aff55, Aff56
Kotowicz, M. A.Aff57, Aff58, Aff59
Kröger, H.Aff60, Aff61
Kwok, T.Aff62, Aff63
Lamy, O.Aff64, Aff65
Langhammer, A.
Larijani, B.
Lippuner, K.
Mellström, D.Aff69, Aff70
Merlijn, T.
Nordström, A.Aff71, Aff72
Nordström, P.
O’Neill, T. W.Aff74, Aff75
Obermayer-Pietsch, B.Aff76, Aff77
Ohlsson, C.Aff2, Aff78
Orwoll, E. S.
Pasco, J. A.Aff80, Aff81, Aff82, Aff83
Rivadeneira, F.
Schei, B.Aff84, Aff85
Schott, A.-M.
Shiroma, E. J.
Siggeirsdottir, K.Aff40, Aff88
Simonsick, E. M.
Sornay-Rendu, E.
Sund, R.
Swart, K. M. A.
Szulc, P.
Tamaki, J.
Torgerson, D. J.
van Schoor, N. M.
van Staa, T. P.
Vila, J.
Wareham, N. J.
Wright, N. C.
Yoshimura, N.
Zillikens, M. C.
Zwart, M.Aff98, Aff99, Aff100
Harvey, N. C.Aff101, Aff102
Lorentzon, M.Aff1, Aff103, Aff104
Leslie, W. D.
Kanis, J. A.Aff1, Aff3, Aff106, IDs00198022064356_cor85
Pokaż więcej
Osteoporosis International: With other metabolic bone diseases. 33(10):2103-2136
Czasopismo naukowe
Longitudinal assessment of health-related quality of life in osteoporosis: data from the population-based Canadian Multicentre Osteoporosis Study
Hopman, W.M.Aff1, Aff2
Berger, C.
Joseph, L.
Morin, S.N.
Towheed, T.
Anastassiades, T.
Adachi, J.D.
Hanley, D.A.
Prior, J.C.
Goltzman, D.
The CaMos Research Group
Pokaż więcej
Osteoporosis International: With other metabolic bone diseases. 30(8):1635-1644
Czasopismo naukowe
Mortality risk reduction differs according to bisphosphonate class: a 15-year observational study
Bliuc, D.
Tran, T.
van Geel, T.
Adachi, J. D.
Berger, C.
van den Bergh, J.Aff5, Aff6
Eisman, J. A.Aff1, Aff7
Geusens, P.Aff2, Aff8
Goltzman, D.
Hanley, D. A.
Josse, R. G.
Kaiser, S.
Kovacs, C. S.
Langsetmo, L.
Prior, J. C.
Nguyen, T. V.Aff1, Aff16, Aff17
Center, J. R.Aff1, Aff16
For the CaMOS Research Group
Pokaż więcej
Osteoporosis International: With other metabolic bone diseases. 30(4):817-828
Czasopismo naukowe
Benefits and safety of dietary protein for bone health—an expert consensus paper endorsed by the European Society for Clinical and Economical Aspects of Osteopororosis, Osteoarthritis, and Musculoskeletal Diseases and by the International Osteoporosis Foundation
Rizzoli, R.
Biver, E.
Bonjour, J.-P.
Coxam, V.
Goltzman, D.
Kanis, J. A.Aff4, Aff5
Lappe, J.
Rejnmark, L.
Sahni, S.
Weaver, C.
Weiler, H.
Reginster, J.-Y.
Pokaż więcej
Osteoporosis International: With other metabolic bone diseases. 29(9):1933-1948
Czasopismo naukowe
Impact of Femoral Neck and Lumbar Spine BMD Discordances on FRAX Probabilities in Women: A Meta-analysis of International Cohorts
Johansson, H.
Kanis, J. A.
Odén, A.
Leslie, W. D.
Fujiwara, S.
Glüer, C. C.
Kroger, H.
LaCroix, A. Z.
Lau, E.
Melton, III, L. J.
Eisman, J. A.
O’Neill, T. W.
Goltzman, D.
Reid, D. M.
McCloskey, E.
Pokaż więcej
Calcified Tissue International: and Musculoskeletal Research. November 2014 95(5):428-435
Czasopismo naukowe
Antidepressant use and 10-year incident fracture risk: the population-based Canadian Multicentre Osteoporosis Study (CaMoS)
Moura, C.
Bernatsky, S.
Abrahamowicz, M.
Papaioannou, A.
Bessette, L.
Adachi, J.
Goltzman, D.
Prior, J.
Kreiger, N.
Towheed, T.
Leslie, W. D.
Kaiser, S.
Ioannidis, G.
Pickard, L.
Fraser, L.-A.
Rahme, E.
Pokaż więcej
Osteoporosis International: With other metabolic bone diseases. May 2014 25(5):1473-1481
Czasopismo naukowe

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